
In the dairy sector, it is important to focus on the purification of wastewater from discharges deriving from the washing of equipment used in the processing of milk and cheese production (polyvalent, double bottled, formers, pasteurizers, etc.), packaging and bottling lines, storage tanks and means of transport of milk and finished products.

Most of the dairy wastewater also comes from washing floors, production departments, workbenches, heat treatment plants and more.

Dairy wastewater is completely free of toxic agents, but due to its high organic content (whey, fats, production residues, etc.), it cannot be discharged directly into water bodies or municipal sewage networks. 

To ensure compliance with the parameters imposed by current legislation (Legislative Decree 152 of 2006), wastewater from the dairy industry (cheese factories, yoghurt bars, dairies) must be treated in special purification plants.
STAcque.com provides various water purification plant solutions to meet the needs of the Small, Medium and Large Dairy Industry. Specific projects are developed based on the processing carried out in the dairy industry, the type of treated milk, the cheese produced (hard cheese, soft cheese or stretched-curd cheese) and the space available.

The intervention of a specialised company, such as STAcque.com, in the treatment of industrial waste capable of dealing with wastewater, sewage and sludge, paying great attention to sustainability and the importance of a circular economy is of fundamental importance for the proper treatment of waste.
The Plant Design and Construction Sector of STAcque.com includes in its staff a qualified team of Engineers and Technicians with many years of experience and specific skills that deals with: 
  • preliminary study and feasibility
  • process engineering
  • design
  • turnkey construction
  • renovation and/or extensions of existing plants
  • integration and replacement of special equipment and compartments
  • continuous renewal and regulatory updates 
  • increased potential for processing, renewal and regulatory updates 
The Plant Management and Maintenance Sector of STAcque.com is able to offer its customers a complete qualified and specialised service, aimed at complying with environmental regulations and optimising operating costs. 
STAcque.com wants to achieve maximum customer satisfaction by pursuing the following objectives:
  • Ensuring the correct management of all phases of the service cycle
  • Offer an analysis service that allows quality checks to be carried out within the terms prescribed by current laws
  • Timeliness of responses
  • Compliance with technical and legal regulations
  • Performance Reliability
  • Implementation of the preventive measures provided for by the law for the safety of workers 
  • Compliance with the limits imposed on the quality of discharged water
  • Adoption of an emergency plan that allows for controls on the purification plant, limiting as much as possible the disruption and protecting the quality of the receiving water bodies 
  • Creation of a database relating to management data
Wastewater purification technologies in the dairy sector:
  • Wastewater treatment plants using DAF dissolved air flotation 
  • Active sludge treatment plants with a classic CAS scheme
  • Active sludge biological reactors with SBR batch cycle operation
  • Biological reactors integrated with membrane filtration compartments, MBR
  • Active sludge reactors with biomass attached on mobile media - MBBR and IFAS technology
  • Ultrafiltration systems
  • Percolator filters 

Turnkey services and outsourcing

The management of purification plants requires more and more skills and professionalism; for this reason, many Companies and Industrial Groups feel the need to outsource the complete system of water treatment and discharge deriving from production activities with the advantage of using their resources entirely to carry out their business activities. 

STAcque.com proposes itself as a qualified and accredited subjective to manage in “outsourcing” the purification system such as use of labour on the plant, technical-administrative management, specialised technical support, analysis, maintenance of scheduled, ordinary and extraordinary electromechanical equipment, sludge disposal, consumption of chemical products, possible use of third parties for the provision of services, fulfilment of bureaucratic practices, any electrical utilities. 

STAcque.com has the necessary requirements, skills, resources and technical knowledge to be able to deal globally and exclusively with the service as described above.
Tag:D. Lgs 152/06D. Lgs 152/06 art. 113D. Lgs 152/2006design of water treatment systemfeasibility study water treatment plantsindustrial field water treatmentliquid waste disposalmilk pasteurizer cleaning wastewater treatmentmilk pasteurizer washing wastewater treatmentpreliminary study water treatment plantsproduction of water treatment systemrestructuring water treatment plantsturnkey construction water treatment plantswaste water purification systemswastewater disposalwastewater treatment cleaning chilled tanks for milkwastewater treatment cleaning multipurpose tanks cheese productionwastewater treatment cleaning multipurpose tanks dairy productionwastewater treatment cleaning multipurpose tipping tanks cheese productionwastewater treatment cleaning multipurpose tipping tanks dairy productionwastewater treatment cleaning silos milk storagewastewater treatment cleaning tanks milk storagewastewater treatment for industrial plantswastewater treatment for milk storage siloswastewater treatment for washing multipurpose tanks cheese productionwastewater treatment for washing multipurpose tipping tanks cheese productionwastewater treatment for washing multipurpose tipping tanks dairy productionwastewater treatment tank washing milk storagewastewater treatment washing refrigerated tanks for milkwastewater treatment, cleaning, industrial plantswastewater treatment, multipurpose tanks, dairy productionwater treatment dairy sectorwater treatment for companieswater treatment plantswater treatment system...

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Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

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