In the dairy sector, it is important to focus on the
purification of wastewater from discharges deriving
from the washing of equipment used in the processing of milk and cheese
production (polyvalent, double bottled, formers, pasteurizers, etc.),
packaging and bottling lines, storage tanks and means of transport of
milk and finished products.
Most of the dairy wastewater also comes from washing
floors, production departments, workbenches, heat treatment plants and
Dairy wastewater is completely free of toxic agents,
but due to its high organic content (whey, fats, production residues,
etc.), it cannot be discharged directly into water bodies or municipal
sewage networks.
To ensure compliance with the parameters imposed by current legislation
(Legislative Decree 152 of 2006), wastewater from the
dairy industry (cheese factories, yoghurt bars,
dairies) must be treated in special purification plants.