Reverse osmosis

The Reverse Osmosis exploits the ability of semi-permeable membranes to separate the water from the substances dissolved in it. Applying a pressure, you force the water to pass the membrane: the pure water (permeate) will be separated from the water containing salts (rejection). The osmotic membrane, which reaches the highest practicable level of filtration, acts as a barrier against not only of salts and inorganic substances, but also of the organic substances of molecular weight greater than 100 daltons: an excellent defense is therefore also against micro-pollutants, pesticides, pyrogens, viruses and bacteria. The reverse osmosis is a process of physical type, which does not require the use of regenerating chemicals.

Reverse osmosis technology offers total guarantee thanks to its versatility characteristics, performance excellence and ease of use. Over the years have multiplied the types of membranes available, up to the latest low energy, and their quality and reliability is well established also for those specifically designed for targeted applications.

Main Applications

Where is require high quality water, chemical and bacteriological, with the advantage, compared to the demineralization, not to have problems related to the discharges of regeneration and handling of chemical products:
  • Desalination and drinking water of brackish and sea waters;
  • Supply of steam generators of medium and high pressure;
  • Humidification systems;
  • Electronics industry, for the washing of the microchips;
  • Cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry;
  • Textile industry;
  • Food industry;
  • Catering, to optimize the result of automatic dishwashers;
  • Offset printing centers, to improve the yield and reduce waste;
  • Chemical laboratories, for washing of the instrumentation and the glassware;
  • Floriculture;
  • In the preparation of water for dialysis, with version "Medical Device" certification n ° 0373;
  • ... and wherever you need specific water.
previous: Demineralization

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