In the wine sector, it is essential to treat wastewater from production
lines both during winemaking and bottling, from tank washing drains, from washing equipment and
machinery such as crushers, destemmers, presses, from cleaning containers such as collection
tanks, fermentation and filling tanks, tanks, from processing rooms and laboratories, etc.
The purification of the wastewater of wineries and cellars is a complex problem
to be addressed, as there are problems related to the seasonality of the processing, more
concentrated in the period of harvesting and winemaking and to a lesser extent in the bottling
Further difficulties can be encountered due to the high organic content of the discharges with
the presence of surfactants and acid/alkaline solutions used for cleaning and sanitation
operations of premises and plants, in addition to heavy metals and other elements present in
suspension, such as stalk fragments, grape seeds, films, tartrates and the residues of products
used in wine clarification reactions, such as fossil flours, bentonites, sulphur dioxide, etc.
Precisely for this reason, wastewater must undergo a purification treatment divided into
different specific stages for the different types of pollutants and therefore be able to be
discharged into Public Sewerage or Surface Watercourse, in compliance with the parameters
provided for by Legislative Decree 152 of 2006.