Liquid waste

Treatment and disposal of liquid waste

Treatment and disposal of liquid waste
STA offers a complete service ranging from help and advice, the collection with transport, to final disposal of liquid waste, proposing appropriate solutions to the various problems with the aim of managing in a rational manner and resolving the many problems arising from waste disposal.

The achievement of these objectives is through a detailed knowledge of the rejection matrix through experimental tests and specific analyzes.

The services are aimed at the management company of integrated water services, operators waste disposal platforms (such as landfills, sludge treatment, etc ...) which need to handle leachate and wastewater produced by their facilities, public facilities in general, farms, industries agro-food, in industrial complexes, businesses, car washes, apartment complexes and individual homes, ensuring correct solutions, flexible and effective, focusing energy and resources in total compliance with current legislation.

STA has two platforms of treating non-dangerous liquid waste, located at the operational headquarters of Casalmaggiore (CR) and Belgioioso (PV), for a total treatment capacity of about 82,000 tons / year.

Type of installations

Waste management facilities special non-dangerous to acts of preliminary storage operations D15, D8 and D9 Privacy treatment (only for the site of Belgioioso)

Code and IPPC activities

Plants for the treatment of non-dangerous waste in larger amounts to 50 tons / g, as defined in paragraph 5.3 of Annex 8, Part II of the Legislative Decree n. 152/06 and subsequent amendments.
Over the years, STA has significant experience, ensuring efficiency and professionalism in dealing with various problems related to waste disposal, making use of highly qualified technical and administrative staff.
Regularly registered in the National Register of Environmental Managers (Categories 4, Class E; 8, Class C; 2 Bis) operates on a vast territory, with major activities in the regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna.
Through the growing evolution and development company, the consolidated waste disposal activities, which for over a decade has stood for professionalism, reliability and competence, has been extended with a wide range of environmental services, including:
  • Civil and industrial purge
  • Drain cesspools and wells with washing
  • Drain sewers, manholes, ducts
  • Unblocking drain columns, siphons, pipes, etc ...
  • High pressure group for specific washes  
STA has the most modern and equipped tank truck on the market; It is now able to offer its customers a 360 ° service, linking the purge activities and subsequent disposal of waste in their authorized treatment facilities.
STA therefore offers a comprehensive service, ensuring proper management and traceability of waste combined with maximum competitiveness in the market.

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Copyright © 2024 S.T.A. Società Trattamento Acque SpA. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024