Who we are

The Company

Based on the thirty years entrepreneurial and managerial experience in some of the most important companies operating in the water treatment and integrated water service sectors, STA shareholders and owners in January 2010 widened the company scope of consolidated activity, already operating for a decade in the liquid waste treatment and disposal sectors. The company employs a qualified team of engineers and technicians, precisely competent and qualified in installation design, order management and water treatment installation services.

STA in February 2014 through an awarding public contract, became shareholder of TEA acque SRL “GRUPPO TEA SPA”, managing any water treatment services in the Mantua province.

The tender awarding, besides the shareholder qualification, granted STA , a series of operating specific tasks connected to the integrated water services (S.I.I.) in the 2 homogenous areas leading to the Territory optimisation activities within the Mantua province. The activities imply the direct management of 42 municipalities, for about 250,000 inhabitants.

The STA installation design and manufacturing activities include integrated solutions destined to the water treatment, starting from the feasibility study, design, manufacturing and following treatment installations of urban and industrial waste waters, drinkable waters, primary and process waters. It offers its customers a wide range of installation solutions aiming at providing the best possible solutions from a technical, operating and economic view points, starting from the conventional sewage sludge cleaning systems, up to the enforcement of the best-in-class technologies available on the market as well as the development of new specific and innovating treatment systems.

STA offers a wide range of prefab unit systems: from the rain water and first rainfall treatments for floor and road surfaces to driving tank installations and equipment, from mineral and solid sediment-dwelling oil separators to the car-wash water treatment installations, from classic or SBR cycle active sludge cleaning installations to MBBR installations or integrated reactors with membrane filtration units (MBR) besides primary and drinkable water treatment systems.

The STA installation management and service department provides for concrete solutions to problems connected to the technical, analytical, administration and logistics management of the water treatment installations starting from the installation yield improvement to the consumption rationalization.
STA offers varied and customised solutions mainly aiming at what follows: provide customers for turnkey solutions perfectly matching the highest possible reliability with controlled costs, prompt action and accurate performances, relieving customers from any problems and issues, simply relying on experts.
STA manages two liquid waste treatment platforms, by its operating premises in Casalmaggiore (CR) and Belgioioso (PV), for a total 82,000 ton treatment capacity per year, offering professional expertise and efficiency in managing critical failures depending on the waste disposal, through highly qualified technical and administration operators.

STA offers full and reliable services as for environmental problem management to private users, housing and commercial estates, industrial activities, integrated water services, waste and public user management companies.

The use of it own purging water tankers associated to the waste disposal by its installation allows STA to provide Customers for the correct waste disposal solution and at the same time offers the best possible competitivity on the market. Thanks to the varied services offered, STA streamlines its offer in line with the many customer requirements, still providing for the perfect balance between the service cost effectiveness and the offered solution efficacy.

next: Omnitec

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Copyright © 2024 S.T.A. Società Trattamento Acque SpA. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024