Survey Activity - BIM Model

It may happen that companies do not know with accuracy the complex of plants and equipment of their own pertinence, because they are established in existing plants or because they have led until then an uneven management of the water.

In these cases, it is necessary to resort to a programmed strategy which allows the de facto status to be established in a timely manner and to be restarted with regular, conscious and efficient management.

STA is able to set up effective planning and maintenance reconnaissance plans for existing infrastructures. 

Our Technical Department has the skills, resources and requisites to carry out an activity of plants surveying and innovative specific acquisition, with elaboration of an interactive as-built BIM model that returns a complete three-dimensional mapping.

The STA method ensures better performance, greater accuracy, and shorter execution time.



The programme begins with the arrangement of the two main aspects:
  1. Assignment  of a dedicated team for the execution of the works
  2. Definition of the execution times, through the drawing up of a calendar of plants surveyed per day                                                                                                                                            
           • Calendar studied with the help of a territorial information system that collects:
                  ♦ plant location (map-identified by a point)
                  ♦ set of attributes: name, address, municipality, etc.
                  ♦ date of execution of the survey
            • Each plant can be filtered based on the information stored in the software
            • Reports generated by the filter search can be consulted and exported in different formats (e.g. excel)
  • manual instruments for measuring equipment within the plant
  • automatic detection instruments capable of acquiring three-dimensional coordinates
  • instruments for the detection of electrical systems
  • instruments for the detection of vibrations in the field

The compactness of the instruments used allows the technicians to move using light vehicles with low CO₂ emissions and lorries with hydraulic cranes with > LOW ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
Survey Activity - BIM Model
Survey Activity - BIM Model

For its surveying activities, STA relies on the use of state-of-the-art instruments, including a laser scanner for the realisation of 2D and 3D models of the acquisitions and their insertion in BIM.

A correctly executed laser scanner survey avoids subsequent field visits because, thanks to the density of points detected, it immediately contains all the information needed for each scale restitution.
Survey Activity - BIM Model

The use of the laser scanner makes it possible to obtain a cloud of points, subsequently elaborated by a specialised technician, for the restitution of detailed 2D project documents: DWG drawings of the plant, systems, particular sections.
Survey Activity - BIM Model
3D MODELS – BIM Model 

The surveys carried out feed the elaboration of a BIM model (Building Information Modeling), a single container of graphs, drawings, technical specifications, data sheets and characteristics, structured in database form.

It is a digital model that contains information such as geographic location, geometries, material and technical properties, maintenance operations.

The BIM model contains all the information useful both to the company and to the Contractor, who can interact, one, for the planning of maintenance and the other, for the creation of a database that is as complete as possible.

  • Accurate as-built model (sizing and positioning of all elements from accurate relief with laser scanner)
  • Better communication between all actors (models in .IFC format open and accessible by all stakeholders)
  • Greater amount of data acquired
  • Faster performance both of the surveying and of the graphical restitution of the results
  • Possible integration with other management systems
  • The possibility of having all the necessary data in one container: the BIM

A. Scheduled routine maintenance

          Routine management
          • Periodic inspection of the plants and operations necessary to ensure their proper functioning.
          • By way of example, but not all-encompassing:
                  ♦ Checking equipment for correct operation and adjustment
                  ♦ Cleaning of all components and plants and appliances and testing activities of, lighting, signs, fences
                  ♦ Recording of operating data

          • Maintenance of the plants according to the frequency agreed with the Contractor
                  ♦ Maintenance of the electric pumps
                  ♦ Check of lifting components
                  ♦ Inspection of metal structural work, piping and valves 

B. Non-routine maintenance 
          • Report to the Contractor of any anomalies or malfunctions found on the systems and intervention of restoration at the receiving of the authorisation to proceed or in autonomy if necessary to intervene with urgency
          • Intervention of fault restoration on report received from the Contractor outside the visit calendar 

C. Emergency response service
          • Guaranteed, to provide for unpredictable accidental breakage
                  ♦ Service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
                  ♦ Vacuum cleaning and purging with proprietary means
previous: UTN Process

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Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024