Technical-analytical management

Treatment plants management

STA is aimed to be a reliable partner for everyone who cares about water quality, and to provide concrete solutions to water treatment plants analytical, administrative, and logistic problems starting from the optimization of plant performarce and rationalization of consumption that result in environmental care.

STA offers a management, and maintenance service able to provide a comprehensive service with qualified specialist to comply environmental regulations, and optimize operating costs service management.
Professionalism, experience, and development of scientific know-how, combined with excellent problem solving skills, are some of the reasons behind STA’s success in meeting its customer’s expectations.

STA performs the activity with its qualified staff and equipped with specially equipped vehicles (mobile hoist to the submersible electric extraction and verification, motor pumps for washing and declogging, electrical and hydraulic elements parts, tool boxes, analytical kits and everything else of necessary).

Public Sector - Activities under the integrated water service

Public Sector - Activities under the integrated water service
STA intends to Customers Public in the activities of the Integrated Water Service Management as a qualified and reliable partner, able to provide technical and analitycal management services for the treatment of municipal wastewater, sewer systems and distribution networks drinking water and, in particular, drinking water, primary and industrial waters, and are divided into:

Treatment plant management for civil waste, primary water treatment and rainwater

  • Monitoring and adjusting the operation of the installation cycle
  • Optimization of the various treatment steps
  • Execution of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the equipment;
  • Verification of compliance with discharge limits and safety regulations;
  • Administrative management and keeping of operating registers
  • Treatment and disposal of waste
  • Chemicals supply and consumer products
  • Repair of any constituent equipment implantation in his workshop specifically equipped
  • Installation of stock cars and / or proposed alternative treatments in cases of emergency
  • Maintenance of pumping stations and pumping emergency with availability 24 hours 24.

Management of drinking water treatment plants and distribution networks

  • Plants related to the use of drinking water for food
  • Production plants of primary waters
  • Production plants of industry waters
  • Supply of conditioning products and pesticides

Management of civil sewerage networks

  • Monitoring of discharges of connected settlements
  • Non-destructive controls with submersible camera
  • Plans rehabilitation of the sewerage network
  • Special tank truck for washing and unclogging.

Industrial sector - Global management of purification systems for Businesses and Industrial Groups

Industrial sector - Global management of purification systems for Businesses and Industrial Groups

Conducting activities

The management and maintenance facilities sector of STA is able to provide its customers with a qualified global service and specialized, aimed at complying with environmental regulations and the optimization of operating costs.
STA intends to achieve customer satisfaction by pursuing the following objectives:
  • Guarantee proper management of all phases of the plant treatment cycle;
  • Organize an analysis service that allows you to perform quality tests within time frames set by the existing laws;
  • Timeliness of response;
  • Availability service;
  • Compliance with technical and legal regulations;
  • Performance Reliability;
  • Implement safety preventive measures prescribed by law for the safety of workers at work;
  • Guarantee the respect of the limits imposed depending on influent water’s quality;
  • Adopt a emergency plan that allows you to perform regulations on the treatment plant in order to limit the disservice and protect the quality of water bodies;
  • The commitment to achieve dynamic objectives to improvement;
  • Creation of a data-bank containing all the management data;

Turnkey services and outsourcing

The management of wastewater treatment plants requires more and more skills and professionalism, which is why many companies and industrial groups feel the need to outsource the complete system of wastewater treatment resulting from production activities with the advantage of using their resources entirely to the performance of its corporate activities.
STA Ltd. is proposed as a subject qualified and credited to manage in "outsourcing" the purification system of waste water of the production cycle.
The outsourced service is hiring all charges arising from the management of the sewage treatment such as, use of manpower on the system, technical and administrative management, specialized technical support, analysis, maintenance to the programmed electromechanical equipment, ordinary and extraordinary, sludge disposal, consumption of chemical products, possible recourse to third parties for the provision of services, compliance of paperwork, any electrical consumers.
STA is in possession of the necessary qualifications, skills, resources and technical knowledge to be able to occupy globally and exclusively the service as described above.

Laboratory analysis

STA has a fully equipped chemical analysis laboratory that can perform analytical determinations of drinking water, civil and industrial waste water, sludge from sewage treatment plants and waste.
The laboratory is supported by qualified staff and cutting-edge technical equipment and is able to provide an efficient service in response to the multiple problems that the environmental sector has.
The operational staff have the means and resources necessary to perform carefully analysis both in the laboratory and in the field.
The methods adopted and analytical procedures are shared by control bodies, such as ARPA, ASL, etc ...


  • Urban and industrial waste water.
  • Drinking water for human consumption.
  • Groundwater.
  • Liquid and solid waste, for their characterization.
  • Liquid and solid sludge from sewage plants.
  • The Lands.
  • Emissions in the atmosphere.
  • Self-checks.

Request a consultation


Copyright © 2024 S.T.A. Società Trattamento Acque SpA. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024