Liquid waste disposal

Liquid waste disposal
STA offers a full service, from assistance to consulting, to the collection, transportation included up to final liquid waste disposal, providing for suitable solutions to the different problems thus aiming at rationally and finally manage the many varied problems depending on waste disposal.

Goals are met through a deep knowledge of the waste composition through experimental testing and specific analysis.
Services are offered to the Integrated water service management companies, waste disposal platform operator providers (landfills, sludge treatment, etc.), requiring the specific disposal of percolates and wastes from their plants, public administrations in general, farming companies, food and farming companies, industrial plants, commercial activities, car wash, condominiums and single real estates, providing for correct, slender and effective solutions while consecrating and concentrating energies and resources in compliance with the regulations in force.

STA operates two liquid non-dangerous waste platforms within their operating premises in Casalmaggiore (CR) and Belgioioso (PV), whose total treatment capacity accounts for 82,000 tons/year.

Types of plants

Special non-dangerous waste management plants as for the initial stocking D15, Treatment D9 and treatment D8 (as for the Belgioio site only).

Code and IPPC activity

Non-dangerous waste treatment plant, in quantities higher than 50 tons/g, as defined in paragraph 5.3, enclosure 8, part II of Legislative decree n. 152/06 and following amendments.
In time STA gained a valuable experience in the sector, offering professional expertise and efficiency in managing critical failures depending on the waste disposal, through highly qualified technical and administration operators. Duly registered to the Environment providers national register, Category 4 Class E, the company covers a wide territory, mainly including Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna . Through the consistent company evolution and development in time, the consolidated waste disposal activity, for a decade now synonym of professional expertise, seriousness and competence, encompasses at present a wide range of environmental services, such as:
  • Civil and industrial purging;
  • Purging of septical tanks and wells, washing included;
  • Disinfection, draining of sewage, storm drains and piping;
  • Clearing of flushing systems, siphons, piping, etc.;
  • High pressure unit for specific washing.

STA operates its own equipped and most modern water tankerss available on the market. It can offers a full turnkey service to its customers, supplementing purging with waste disposal through its authorized treatment plans. STA offers a global service, providing for the best possible management and waste tracking with the highest possible expertise on the market.

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Copyright © 2024 S.T.A. Società Trattamento Acque SpA. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024