
In the zootechnical sector, it is important to treat wastewater that corresponds to manure (sewage and manure) from animal farms in addition to the digestate produced by anaerobic plants fed with plant biomass and sewage/manure for the production of energy or biomethane 

The rules relating to the sector are aimed at protecting ground and surface water from pollution caused by nitrogen produced and used in agricultural activities. 

In the Zootechnical sector, therefore, the Agricultural Companies aim at solving different needs: 
  • Reduction of nitrogen in zootechnical effluents (as required by the EC Nitrates Directive 91/676) to allow the correct spread on the land, in relation to the available surfaces. It is also important to identify economically sustainable solutions through the analysis of a specific treatment chain for the needs of each individual case. 
  • Use of water intended for livestock with specific characteristics from a qualitative point of view
STAcque.com, in the Zootechnical sector, suggests the best plant solutions according to the specific technical and economic needs of the Customer. STAcque.com is able to offer a 360° service ranging from Preliminary Study, Design, Construction, turnkey and subsequent management and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants and primary and process water treatment and purification

Services offered by STAcque.com
  • preliminary study and feasibility
  • process engineering
  • design
  • turnkey construction
  • renovation and/or extensions of existing plants 
  • integration and replacement of special equipment and compartments
  • increased potential for processing, renewal and regulatory updates 
  • technical supervision of systems
  • technical-analytical management of systems
  • purges
  • environmental services and specialist advice
STAcque.com offers its customers a wide range of plant solutions with the aim of offering optimal solutions from a technical, operational and economic point of view and as far as Nitrogen Removal is concerned, it makes: 
  • Specific plants and sections for pretreatment, solid separation, etc.
  • Nitrification Plants - Biological Denitrification
Regarding the treatment and purification of primary and process water, STAcque.com  offers several possibilities of systems for filtration, desalination, softening, demineralisation and reverse osmosis.

STAcque.com is also committed to providing a start-up service, testing and training instruction to the personnel who will operate the plant. STAcque.com also offers a 24/7 support service. 

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Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024